After 5 days of rain you'd think we'd be the first ones out there to go running through the sun. Nope. Leave it to us to keep it indoors! Despite the fact that the rain has stopped for just for the weekend, it is flippin' COLD. We're sticking to inside.
Off to the movies it was for the hoosband and me, without the kids in tow, in the middle of the afternoon, even!?! Of all the things to take in: Legion. The previews were pretty straightforward and we knew it could go either way. We just went in not expecting a damn thing... and it worked! You shouldn't really expect much when you the trailer highlights grandma turning into a monster and crawling up the side of a wall. What drew us to the movie, though, was the glimpse of a figure with angel wings holding a sword. The image was enough to stir our imaginations and to remind us of our facsination with these creatures of god. What we got was a bit more than just angels fighting against the monsters.
What I love about movies like these, however cheesy, lame or dumb, is that they get you thinking even if it's just for a moment or twelve. I tend to get obsessive about these types of things and will probably think about it for weeks on end. We'll go out and buy/order statues of Michael, recall stories of angelic wars, reread stories and watch movies that have these same themes. So for a while it's something else to get lost in.
Going just a bit further, though, it's funny how something so mindless can become a focal point for a time. It isn't about how crazy-stupid some of the images on the screen were, but it's about digging out an actual theme and applying it to your life. I know. It sounds like I've been smoking something crazy, but, really stop and think about it. We know that humanity is stupid and wasteful. Why hasn't God wiped us all out to begin again? You could say that with the apocalyptic catastrophes of late, we could consider they're all a collective wake-up call to the world. It could be said that mindless entertainment, like Legion, is just another avenue to make us think about what we're doing with ourselves.
Come to think of it, it must just be the 5 days of being cooped up. Cabin fever tends to make us all a bit more philosophical. I'd hate to see me if I had been on something after watching this movie and being stuck indoors!