Sunday, February 21, 2010


I'm slowly coming out of it.  Thank God.  Becoming psychotic for 1.5 weeks out of a month is not my idea of a cup of tea!  To be fully aware of what a bitch you've become and the disregard for the feelings of those around you just makes you a complete lunatic.  It's also funny, after almost 2 decades of living together, how my hoosband just doesn't see it coming.  The minute I started to feel normal, I stepped up and apologized.  Believe it or not, he was so dumbfounded during the entire time I had "checked-out" and my evil twin decided to show up.  I'm amazed that he's still around!  Man, love really is blind.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Beginning of the Madness

While the majority of America has recovered from the Holiday blitz, our family is just gearing up for our craziness.  The beginning of February marks the start of the craziest time of year for the Isip clan.  For some reason this year, it's already starting out with IOUs.  It probably has always been this way, but sadly I've really begun to notice it.  I know deep down that it's not that big of a deal.  A present is a present and it's the "thought that counts" and all, but I can't help but feel bad about it.  I so want to be the one to "get it right" all the time.