Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Outlander Fan SDCC Exhibit Hall Scavenger Hunt

Posting here for the world:

Don't be disappointed that there isn't a dedicated booth this year. I KNOW I mentioned it a zillion times, but I think people have tuned me out. We kinda knew this was going to be this way, people. With nothing to premiere, why on earth would Starz/Sony spend the money? The San Diego Comic Con is about PROMOTING what's NOW. Just remember that.

Anyway here is a fun list of things to do if you are in the Exhibit Hall and don't mind the crowds:

~Starz booth - yes, it's Ash and the Evil Dead, but find Jordan (hint: a BEARD) and take a pic, like Brenda, did! Post it along with your other finds! Extra points if you have a pic from last year, too! - Selfie with Claire and Jamie Cut Out
~Anchor Bay Entertainment - Black Sails background and they are giving away a bag
~Funko Pop - maybe you want the BJR vinyl toy?
~AbbyShot - ask Joe who's visitng on Saturday
~Random House/Penguin/Del Rey - DG is signing on Friday AND Sat with the Outlander crew. Get a free book!
~Jeremy Moy artist - Hey, you want an Outlander Sticker?
~Outlander Podcast and Outlander TV News are on the floor at different times. Find Ginger and Summer and ask for a bracelet! Find Sarah for some stickers!
~Erin from Three if By Space has a button for you, too! Find her!

If you plan on standing in ANY line, just remember to PLAN and bring water.

It always surprises me that folks are shocked when they find out stuff doesn't go the way they thought. PLANNING AHEAD to know who's who, what's what, and when it all goes down will save you heartache and likely your bank account. God help you if you actually dipped into a fund to get here. I hope it's worth it when you need it at 65. It's all about KNOWLEDGE, peeps, and thinking it all through.