Tuesday, March 11, 2014
March - the Month from HELL
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Today marks the beginning of the Lenten Season for Christians. It's a time of reflection, penance, and forgiveness. Mostly it's a time of renewal for one's mind and spirit.
So many of the practices and traditions in the Catholic Church seem countercultural to those who aren't a part if it. I got the looks of crazy and the stares of dirt on my forehead this afternoon. I did have a coworker ask me a bit about Ash Wednesday. What is it? Why do you have to give up stuff? Rather than trying a full assault evangelism, I gave him the simplified version: this is a preparation for Easter, where we look at sacrificing that "thing" that's getting in the way of beeing closer to God. The kid version would be giving up gum, candy, or soda. What we have to remember is that it isn't just about that "thing." That realization is what the Lenten Journey is all about.