Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March - the Month from HELL

March is a lesson in time management and budgeting for our family.  While we've done our best to synchronize our lives, March just eats us alive: emotionally and financially.  I'm sure one day we'll get it right, but after 18 years, it's not looking so good. I know most families who value their extended relations have the same issues, so just bear with me...

All 3 of our kidlets have birthdays within 3 weeks of each other in March.  (Ok.  The youngest is on April 1st, but damned if she didn't try to get here on the 31st.  I'll chalk this up to rebellion in the womb).  We also have BOTH sets of parents anniversaries.  On. the. same. day. in March.  My Sis, her husband, and oldest son have birthdays in March.  Our closest 1st cousin has his birthday the day before my sister.  Our son's godmother has her birthday in March.  One of my closest friend's birthday is on St. Patrick's Day.

The kids are still young enough to where we have to plan birthday get togethers and the MIL insists on seeing the kids on their actual day.  

Somehow this year we find ourselves with our oldest turning 18 years old and my in-laws celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.  Where the hell did the time go?!?

I can't have it any other way, so I know I just have to deal with it, but I totally understand why folks get those "Holiday Blues" in December.  The thought of "HOW THE F*%$ DO WE GET THROUGH THIS" has been on my mind since February 28th...

To be continued...

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