Monday, April 28, 2014

Be Still?

I'm not ignoring you.  I have so much stuff going on.  A summary of my weekend:
Friday - Scholarship planning meeting.  So glad she's got a few.  The airfare alone is like tuition!
Saturday - The Senior with PRT at 7 am.  The Senior with Prom.  AND the kidlet with First Eucharist.  Hair had to be done.  Oh, and there was a party involved.  Food, drink and everything.  (If you know anything about Filipino parties, this is no joke.  Even the smallest one will have food for eons. As it stands, we tried to give most of it away.  I'm working on the finishing off the garlic fried chicken tomorrow.  Pancit is gone.  We do have 3 more lumpia, but that's for snack time tomorrow.)
Sunday - Show property for 3 hours.  This is how I plan to pay for those airline tickets.  Last Faith Formation class at church to say goodbye to my senior class.  The night ended on a high:  GAME OF THRONES!

In a few words, I'm screwed for May June, July, and August. There's only so much "planning-ahead" a person can do.  Believe it or not, this is actually a light year for me.  Just ask anyone.  I have dropped a few other duties that fit better when I was younger.  This can't continue as I muddle through my 40s!!!

Here is what's on my plate for the next month:
~ Work - It's never ending and it's a given.
~ Landlord walkthrough - Remember how my landlord was kind enough to lower my rent $250/mo? We get to sign the lease tomorrow, but they also get to do a walk-through.  Recall what I said about my house:  HOARDERS.  I am still cleaning at 9:00 pm.
~ Hem two band dresses for band performances on Wednesday night and for San Francisco Festival - Let me do that tomorrow after the walkthrough!
~ Chaperoning the middle school band-kid and 100 others at a competition in San Francisco - This needs no explanation.  Prayers are welcome.
~ Preparing for my time away from the Hoosband and other kidlets - this means, making sure the tot has a way to and from school and making sure the kidlet and the Senior make it to the overnight event with the troop.  Hopefully they'll feed themselves.
~ On top of this, I have 3 events (one work related and 2 fundraisers for 2 separate boards that I participate with) 2  BACK TO BACK, Fri/Sat and the other the following week - Expectations are HIGH for each.  I have to beg for the next week and I have 4 days when I'm MIA locally.  That really puts a kink into the plans.
~ On the backburner for May until I can get thru the fundraisers: Announcements, Grad party planning, mission trip planning for the Mid-Kid, Summer Bridge for the Grad, what to do with the kidlet for the summer while inhouse babysitting is away, Sending off the firstborn to the world.  Don't get me started with that.  I'm getting choked up just typing it.
~ DG's Pasadena signing - Arrangements have been made, but I have a feeling my mother will throw a wrench into the whole thing.  More on that later.
~ Outlander at SDCC - This. Will. Be. EPIC.
~ OUTLANDER SOMETIME BEFORE SEPTEMBER (my guess is 1st wk of August, but who the hell knows).

I think Mother's Day is in there somewhere.  Remind me, would ya?

I know I need to exercise, too.  My job, if I'm not in the field, involves sitting on my ass.  This is where I KNOW the extra 20 lbs came from.  I just need to move the ass and eat better.  That's another post.

Despite it all, my bitching and moaning, the headaches and sleepless nights, I know there's purpose.  If I take a moment, just a small moment, mind you,  I can feel the happiness of everyone around me.  It's what I crave.  In my mind, my success is measured by the satisfaction I feel when someone tells me how great a job I did for them.  It makes the pains all worth it for me.  Crazy?  Probably.  Would I do it all again?  Absolutely!  What would make it perfect?  MORE TIME TO FANGIRL.

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